Saturday, September 26, 2009

multiseed whole wheat bread

Because Paul Clay keeps telling me that whole wheat bread is so much better for you than white bread, I made this bread. This is a juxtaposition of my loaf (R) and Richard Bertinet's loaf (L). What a lovely bread.

This is a present for Joel Wakeman on his birthday!


1 c white flour
2 1/3 c whole wheat flour
1/2 Tbsp yeast
3/8 c brown sugar
1/2 c dry milk
1 1/2 c water
2 tsp salt
2 eggs (one for the bread, one for the egg wash)
A mixture of seeds (eg. sunflower, flax, pine nuts, oats, etc.)


Mix dry ingredients, add water and egg.
Mix until you get a dough to form. Take out to the counter and kead for 5 minutes.
If it's still too dry, add water; too wet, add flour.
Let rise covered by a towel until doubled in volume.
Take out and form however you like (I did it with the same procedure as I showed in my video).
Preheat the oven to 450 F (230 C) one hour before baking.
Toast the seeds on a little bit of butter until golden.
Right before baking, brush egg wash (egg + pinch of salt), and roll the loaf on the seeds.
Bake until golden brown.

I adapted the bread recipe from the basic bread in the Tassajara Bread Book.
I got the idea of the seeds from Richard Bertinet's Dough.

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